Collection: Electric Wire Rope Trolley Hoists

We sell Harrington Hoist Wire Rope Trolley Hoists on our website and all other manufacturer brands by calling our Inside Sales Hoist Specialists. We are a major Hoist Distributor for Demag, Gorbel, Street Crane, Coffing, and many others. 

In addition to being a major distributor, we provide service and inspections for all hoists, cranes, and below-the-hook devices.

Hoist Inspections

We provide periodic inspections for all of your hoists, cranes and rigging equipment to keep you OSHA compliant.

Hoist Repair

Our Service Technicians are trained at manufacturer\'s facilities to repair their hoists. In addition, we have an in-house technicians that services all of our hoists.

For more information on our services or to get a quote for any style Electric Wire Rope Trolley Hoist, call our Customer Service Reps at 800-242-3477 or email us at